What human activities contribute to global warming?

1 Answer
Oct 18, 2016

Almost all human activities contribute to global warming, especially industrial productions, and too much cattle raising.


Global Warming is seen as a major issue in today's world. It may be what is melting the Ice Caps, and may be what is causing the inconsistency in you local weather patterns. What global warming Primarily is however, is when the atmosphere of the earth is "broken down" by excessive carbon gas and methane gas levels.

Things that people due that contributes to global warming include mining and accidentally releasing natural gasses, burning of any kind, majority of (if not all) industrial productions, cutting down too many "CO2 to O2" organisms, and believe it or not raising too many cows.

I find all of the above pretty self explanatory, except for the cows, so for more information on that here's a article; http://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2014/04/11/301794415/gassy-cows-are-warming-the-planet-and-theyre-here-to-stay.

Hope this Helped!