What is #0^0#? (0 to the power of 0)

3 Answers
Feb 6, 2018

In elementary mathematics, this is often left undefined.


But with the notion of limits available, we can show that #lim_(xrarr0^+)x^x = 1#. So some give the definition #0^0=1#

As a cardinal number, #0# is the cardinality of the empty set.

And for Cardinal numbers #A# and #B#, #A^B# is defined to be the cardinality of the set of all functions from #B# into #A#.
With this definition and the observation that there is exactly one function from #O/# to #O/# (namely the empty function), we have a proof that #0^0 = 1#.

Feb 7, 2018

It depends...


A case for #0^0 = 1#

Suppose we define:

#a^n = overbrace(a * a * ... * a)^"n terms"#

for any non-negative integer #n#.

Then #a^0# is an empty product, so should have the value #1# (similar to the way that an empty sum has the value #0#), regardless of the value of #a#.

This definition is useful in contexts where you are dealing purely with non-negative integer exponents.

A case for indeterminacy

Note that:

#lim_(x->0) x^0 = 1#

#lim_(x->0^+) 0^x = 0#

More generally, let #a > 1# be a real number.

For #n = 1, 2, 3,...# let:

#{ (x_n = a^(-n)), (y_n = -1/n) :}#

Then as #n->oo# we find:

#x_n -> 0#

#y_n -> 0#


#x_n^(y_n) = (a^(-n))^(-1/n) = a#

If instead, we have #0 < a < 1# then define:

#{ (x_n = a^n), (y_n = 1/n) :}#

to get similar results.

If #a < 0# then you have to be more careful and explicit as to what you mean. For example, if #a^(1/n)# denotes the real #n#th root of #a#, then we might use:

#{ (x_n = a^(1-2n)), (y_n = 1/(1-2n)) :}" "# if #a < -1#


#{ (x_n = a^(2n-1)), (y_n = 1/(2n-1)) :}" "# if #-1 < a < 0#

So according to how we approach the point #(x, y) = (0, 0)#, the function #f(x, y) = x^y# can take any real value you like.

This all points towards considering #0^0# to be indeterminate in contexts where non-integral exponents are being used.

Jun 10, 2018



Anything to the #0# power equals to #1#. Ex:

#2^0 = 1#

#100000000^0 = 1#

Therefore, #0^0 = 1#

Hope this helps!