What is #9.5 mm +17.286 mm - 1.4445 mm# ?

1 Answer



Since the units are all the same, I'll drop them for the purposes of adding/subtracting the numbers together.

We work from left to right, which means we do this first:


Now we can do the subtraction:


See that the #26.786# doesn't have enough digits, and so we put in 0 as a place holder:


We start from the right and move left. First we have #0-5# which doesn't work, and so we borrow from the 6 next to the 0. The 6 is reduces by 1 to 5 (we've borrowed 1) but because we're getting it from the next place up, it's worth 10 to the next place down:




And we can do the rest of the subtractions:


Giving #25.3415mm#