What is diference between sodium chlorate (I) and sodium chlorate (V)?

1 Answer
Sep 2, 2017

Well "sodium chlorate(I)" is the old sodium hypochlorite, NaOCl.


And "sodium chlorate(V)" is the old sodium chlorate, NaClO_3.

ClO_4^-; i.e. Cl(+VII), "perchlorate."

ClO_3^-; i.e. Cl(+V), "chlorate."

ClO_2^-; i.e. Cl(+III), "chlorite."

ClO^-; i.e. Cl(+I), "hypochlorite."

Cl^-; i.e. Cl(-I), "chloride."

And these are the salts of the chlorine oxyacids......."perchloric acid", HClO_4, ......."chloric acid", HClO_3, HO_2Cl, "chlorous acid", HOCl, "hypochlorous acid". Confused yet? You do not have to know these names at A level, or even as a first year undergrad. You should know how the oxidation noombers are assigned. Do you?