What is one way that the following sentence can be improved with the addition of an adverb?: Several students voiced their disagreement when the university's president announced the new policy.
1 Answer
See below for some ideas:
We have two actions taking place: students voicing disagreement and the university president announcing a new policy.
For both actions, we can describe more about them using adverbs.
Were the students passionate in their disagreement? Then they would have "voiced their disagreement passionately.". Or perhaps the new policy wasn't very important to the students and so they reacted "tepidly" or "blandly". Perhaps the students that were voicing their disagreement felt they needed to be heard and so "voiced their disagreement loudly" or "boldly". Or perhaps they were afraid of the armed security at the event and so "voiced their disagreement timidly" or "quietly".
We can use the same type of analysis for the university president - did the president announce "boldly"? "passionately"? "strongly'? Maybe the president is a comic at heart and so announced it "absurdly" or "comically".
There are many more ways the actions can be described - all by using adverbs.