What is Palestine? Where is it located and who primarily lives there?

1 Answer
Jun 2, 2017

Palestine is a geographical region between the dead sea, the river Jordan and the Mediterrian Sea. The land has been occupied by a variety of peoples and their descendants


The land called Palestine has been called many different names and has been ruled by various nations and powers. Actually there has never been a nation called Palestine.

The land was first called Syria Palestina by the Roman Emperor. Then later in 1922 the land was named the British Protectorate of Palestine by the league of Nations. In 1948 the land was Partitioned into a Jewish State and an Arab Muslim State.

The Arab Muslims refused to recognize the existence of the Jewish state and a war ensued. During the war the Kingdom of Jordan invaded and occupied the West Bank part of the Protectorate that had been see apart for the Arab Muslims and made it part of Jordan. No Palestinian state resulted from the partition of the British Protectorate of Palestine.

The Jewish state won the war and declared itself the independent nation of Israel after the ancient Hebrew name of the region. In 1967 after another war the Jewish state defeated the Kingdom of Jordan and took over the Western Bank as a "protectorate" for the Arab Muslim population.

The Jewish rule of the West Bank incited resentment in the Arab Muslim population and the PLO, the Palestine Liberation Organization was formed. The Arab Muslim population has resisted Jewish control of the not only the West Bank but of what was the entire British Protectorate of Palestine. The desire and claim of the PLO is that what was the British Protectorate should be an Arab Muslim state called Palestine.

The PLO has steadily gained international recognition. In 2012 the United Nations granted the PLO nonmember status. There is great controversy about if the entire land of what was the Protectorate should belong to the Arabs or only the West Bank. Also if only the West Bank does that include Jerusalem, only East Jerusalem or none of Jerusalem.

There is a general consensus dating make to the Partition of 1948 that the Arab Muslim population should have their own nation of Palestine. What that state should look like and how to achieve it is one of the greatest problems facing the United Nations.