What is the basic level of evolutionary mechanism?

1 Answer
Dec 1, 2017

Evolution occurs when changes in allele frequencies occur within populations over time.


There are five basic mechanisms of evolutionary change.

  1. Natural selection: Organisms that are better at surviving and reproducing are more likely to pass on their alleles to the next generation. Natural selection coupled with some form of reproductive isolation is usually the main driving force of speciation.

  2. Mutation: Random changes to the genome. Mutations may be caused by mistakes made during replication, radiation, or hazardous chemicals. Only mutations within gametes will be passed on to future generations

  3. Genetic drift: Changes in allele frequencies due to random sampling from generation to generation. Genetic drift has a greater effect on small populations

  4. Gene flow: The movement of genes in and out of a population. Caused by immigration and emigration.

  5. Non-random mating (sexual selection): when mates select for specific traits. Over time those traits become more and more common within a population.