What is the Bohr Theory ?

1 Answer
Apr 28, 2018

Neils Bohr forwarded this model based on quantum theory.he made some postulates that are important to forward his theory.
This model agreed with the electromagnetic radiation theory which says energy must be decreased gradually when electric charges are accelerated.


  1. the electrons of an atom move around the nucleus in circular orbits which have a particular energy associated with them.

  2. when the electrons travel in an energy level, it dose not absorb or release energy. therefore these energy levels are stationary states.

  3. An electron belonging to an atom can travel in any energy level. however an electron always like to travel in the energy level which is closest to the nucleus known as the ground state.

  4. If the electrons are given energy from an outside source they can move from lower energy levels to the upper energy levels known as excited states. These excited states are very unstable, therefore electrons fall back to the same ground state by releasing energy they absorbed when moving up.

  5. E=hf (f means frequency and h means plank constant.)

  6. The angular momentum of a given energy level is a constant.