What is the circumference of the moon? Astronomy Our Solar System Our Moon 1 Answer Suryin =) Dec 29, 2015 10920.18 km Explanation: The diameter of the moon is 3476 km. Circumference is pid =pi(3476) =10920.1760639 or 10920.18 km https://astronomylinks.wikispaces.com/Moon Answer link Related questions At what time of the day is the moon closest to earth? What point of the earth is closest to the moon? Why is the moon described as a "silent planet"? How long does it take the Moon to move its own diameter through the star field? What is the diameter of the moon in comparison to the earth? What is the circumference of the moon in miles? What causes moon phases? Why is there only one full moon a month? Why does the moon exhibit phases? What is the primary event that lead to the formation of the moon? What is the leading theory on how the moon formed? Are there any other theories? Does this... See all questions in Our Moon Impact of this question 10453 views around the world You can reuse this answer Creative Commons License