What is the difference between "Fe"^(2+)Fe2+, "Fe"^(3+)Fe3+ and "Fe"Fe which state are they in respectively?

1 Answer
May 18, 2018

The difference between "ferrous"ferrous and "ferric ions"ferric ions, and the parent iron metal?


Clearly ALL three species are in different formal oxidation states, which we conceive on the basis of electron transfer:

Fe rarr underbrace(Fe^(2+))_"ferrous ion" + 2e^(-)

Fe rarr underbrace(Fe^(3+))_"ferric ion" + 3e^(-)

We don't know their physical states. They may be ions in solution, or salts...."ferrous chloride" is FeCl_2; "ferric chloride" is FeCl_3.

What is the oxidation state of iron metal?