What is the ‘dominant narrative’ America has adopted towards their actions in WW2 against the Japanese or just in general?

1 Answer
Apr 29, 2018

World War 2 was a "good" War.


This isn't just the US its the Allies in general that the was a fight of good against evil. My Father was proud of his part of it and he never got above private. He also spent 6 years of his life in it and he viewed it as an accomplishment. He was in the Canadian Army but I think the US experience was not that different.

The History books also reflect this tone. The Atomic bombing was bad but necessary under the circumstances. The people involved were proud of their actions. A.J.P. Taylor comes out and calls it a "good" war.

There has been lots of Wars to be unhappy with since but outside its general apocalyptic nature World War 2 was viewed as a good War.