What is the end result of meiosis? How many cells will there be in the end? Will they be identical or four different cells?
1 Answer
As a result of meiosis four cells are formed in the end and all the four cells are different from one another.
Meiosis occurs in 2 stages : Meiosis-I and Meiosis-II.
In meiosis-I , paring of homologous chromosomes occurs. The genetic material is doubled during prophase I stage. After pairing of homologous chromosomes, crossing over occurs resulting in the interchange of segments of chromatids of homologous pair.
At the end of meiosis-I, two daughter cells are formed having half the number of chromosomes present in diploid cell undergoing meiosis.
Each daughter cell undergoes meiosis-II, producing two cells. In meiosis-II the separation of two chromatids occur so that equal number of chromatids (in fact chromosome due to duplication of genetic material) goes to each of the daughter cell.
Thus, at the end of meiosis-II, four daughter cells are formed. Each cell has half the number of chromosomes present in the diploid cell.
Each cell is identical as far as the number of chromosomes is concerned. However, the genetic constitution of the chromosomes in each cell is not identical with any of the other cells produced at the end of meiosis, because of crossing over and random orientation of bivalents at metaphase-I stage.