What is the importance of enzyme polygalactourinase in plant ?
1 Answer
Polygalacturonase is an enzyme that hydrolyses the alpha-1,4 glycosidic bonds between galacturonic acid residues.
Polygalacturonase, whose major component is galacturonic acid, is a significant carbohydrate component of the pectin network that comprises plant cell walls. Although it is clear that polygalacturonase participates in many plant developmental processes, the majority of research has focused on polygalacturonase in ripening fruit, abscission zones or pollen.
The polygalacturonase works to soften and sweeten fruit during ripening process.
Phytopathogens use polygalacturonase to weaken the pectin network, so that digestive enzymes can be excreted into the plant host to acquire nutrients.
Polygalacturonase play a role in enabling pollen tube elongation since pectin rearrangement is necessary for growth of pollen tubes.
Agricultural pests like Lygus hesperus damage cotton and other crops because they secrete polygalacturonase in their saliva that digests plant tissues.