What is the inverse of #f(x)=sqrt(x)+6#?

1 Answer
Nov 17, 2016

If #f(x)=sqrt(x)+6#
then #g(x)=x^2-12x+36# is the inverse of #f(x)#


If #g(x)# is the inverse of #f(x)#
then #f((g(x))= x# (by definition of inverse)

...but we also have;
#f(g(x))=sqrt(g(x))+6# (by given definition of #f(x)#)


#color(white)("XXX")rarr sqrt(g(x))=x-6#

#color(white)("XXX")rarr g(x)=(x-6)^2=x^2-12x+36#


Some people use the notation #f^(-1)(x)# for the inverse of #f(x)#.

I find this confusing since it conflicts with the more general usage of the notation #f^k(x)# meaning #[f(x)]^k#