What is the least common denominator of #5/x^2 - 3/(6x^2 + 12x)#?

1 Answer
Dec 18, 2017

See a solution process below:


First, find the factors for each of the denominators individually:

#x^2 = x * x#

#6x^2 + 12x = 6 * x * (x + 2)#

The common factor is: #x#

Removing this leaves the following factors from each of the terms:

#x# and #6 * (x + 2)#

We need to multiply the fraction on the left by #6(x + 2)# to obtain a common denominator:

#(6(x + 2))/(6(x + 2)) xx 5/x^2 => (5 * 6(x + 2))/(x^2 * 6(x + 2)) => (30(x + 2))/(6x^2(x + 2))#

We need to multiply the fraction on the right by #x/x# to obtain a common denominator:

#x/x xx 3/(6x^2 + 12x) => (3 * x)/(x(6x^2 + 12x)) => (3x)/(6x^3 + 12x^2) =>#

#(3x)/(6x^2(x + 2))#