What is the least common denominator of 6/16 and 1/15?
1 Answer
The least common denominator of
To find the lowest common denominator, we need to find the lowest common multiple (
To find the lowest common multiple of two numbers - in this case,
To find the prime factorisation of a number, we need to divide the number by the lowest number possible, then getting all numbers to prime numbers by dividing, again by the lowest number possible.
We do not divide until it is
So we can now say that the numbers in red are the prime factorisations of
Now we can do the same thing to
Because the numbers are now prime, the process is over.
We can not simplify this number any further.
Now that we have the prime factorisations of each number, we can find the lowest common multiple of the numbers.
To find the Lowest common multiple, we will multiply all of the common numbers by the uncommon numbers.
For example:
Because there are two sets of