What is the limit of sin(1/x) as x approaches 0?

1 Answer
Jun 22, 2017

The limit does not exist.


To understand why we can't find this limit, consider the following:

We can make a new variable h so that h = 1/x.

As x -> 0, h -> oo, since 1/0 is undefined. So, we can say that:

lim_(x->0)sin(1/x) = lim_(h->oo)sin(h)

As h gets bigger, sin(h) keeps fluctuating between -1 and 1. It never tends towards anything, or stops fluctuating at any point.

So, we can say that the limit does not exist. We can see this in the graph below, which shows f(x) = sin(1/x):

graph{sin(1/x) [-2.531, 2.47, -1.22, 1.28]}

As x gets closer to 0, the function fluctuates faster and faster, until at 0, it is fluctuating "infinitely" fast, so it has no limit.

Final Answer