What is the main difference between heart wood and sap wood?

I need conceptual clarity.

2 Answers
Jan 9, 2018

All wood in a tree is first formed as sapwood.


Heartwood (duramen)
Heartwood is wood that as a result of a naturally occurring chemical transformation has become more resistant to decay. Heartwood formation is a genetically programmed process that occurs spontaneously.

Sapwood (alburnum)
Sapwood is the younger, outer most wood, in the growing tree it is the living wood. It's principle functions are to conduct water from the roots to the leaves and to store up and give back according to the season the reserves prepared in the leaves.

Heartwood which is often - but not always - dark coloured , results from the natural ageing process of the tree.

Typically there is less sapwood than heartwood in any given stem.

Jan 9, 2018

Main difference:
#"Sap wood = living, active & functional "#
#"Heart wood = dead, inactive & non-functional."#


Some other salient differences for conceptual clarity:


  • Heart wood can be seen mostly in older stems. While sap wood comprises youngest layers of wood. Mean it is very first wood in the trees.
  • Sap wood is soft outermost part of woody stem. While heart wood is hard central part or part inner to sap wood.
  • Heart wood being deposited with certain compounds i.e gums, tannis, oils, resins etc is darker in colour. On the other hand, sap wood having no deposition of such kinda materials has lighter colour.
  • Sap wood is conducting wood as it conducts sap(fluid containing dissolved minerals and water) between the roots and the crown of the tree. Also store some of them for rainy days. Heart wood is non-conducting due to blocked intercellular spaces.
  • Heart wood has negligible intercellular spaces b/w their cells which are mostly blocked with dead material i.e lignin. Sap wood has sufficient intercellular spaces b/w their cells which help them to conduct materials.
  • Sap wood being soft and having no depositions is susceptible to decay and insect attack. While Heart wood proves quite resistant to insect attack and decay.
  • Sapwood provides nutrients, water and minerals in form of sap to various parts of the plant. Heart wood provide support to the plant.

Hope it helps...