What kind of logical fallacy is "The candidates are justified in taking certain liberties with the truth, because liberty is precious to all Americans" ?

a. begging the question
b. double standard
c. equivocation
d. false analogy

1 Answer
May 3, 2018

D. I would think a false analogy


A. it is not clear that there is any question involved. so begging the question is a poor answer.

B. There is no double standard . There would be a double standard if the quote said it was all right for politicians to take liberties with the truth but that it was not right for normal private citizens to take liberties with the truth ( lying to the FBI iseri a felony)

C. equivocation is a possibility If it was an equivocation it would be better writing. talking liberties with the truth is bad but because liberty is precious to all Americans it is sometimes OK for candidates to take liberties. equivocations usually involve the word but or something equivalent to but.

D. I feel that D is the best answer. It seem that an analogy is being made between liberties with the truth and liberties that are precious to all Americans. This is a false analogy because taking liberties with the truth is detrimental to the liberties that are actually precious to all Americans.