What kind of society did William Penn create in Pennsylvania?

2 Answers
Apr 13, 2017

He created a society of friends based on the idea of tolerance that he derived from his quaker faith


William Penn was a quaker who believed in tolerance, peace and friendship. He created Pennsylvania(which was named after him) on those principles. For instance he established peaceful relationships with Natives. Philadephia comes from Philia(love in Greek) and Delphia(the name of a Greek town with a temple dedicated to Apollo).

Mar 2, 2018

William Penn wanted to create a society where there would be complete religious and equality between people.


William Penn was a Quaker. The Quakers had been persecuted in England for their faith. The practice of the their faith was illegal in England. William Penn used his wealth to purchase the land of Pennsylvania where the Quakers and people of other faiths would be free to exercise their religious faiths. William Penn wanted to create a society of total religious freedom where there would be no official or preferred religion, where there would be no persecution based on persons choice of religious faith.

William Penn was a devoted Christian and student of the Bible. William Penn believed the writings of the New Testament such as Romans 10:12 There is no difference between Jew and Greek. and Galatians 3:28 There is neither Jew or Gentile nor slave or free, or male and female for you are one in Christ.

Based on the teachings of the Bible Slavery was outlawed in Pennsylvania, Native Americans ( Indians) were treated as equals and with respect. Woman were given rights unusual at that time William Penn wanted to create a society based on the teachings of the Bible on the equality of all people.