What kinds of fossils are common in Cenozoic rocks?

1 Answer
May 6, 2016

Mammals, mammals and more mammals!


The Cenozoic Era was kicked off with the large asteroid that hit Earth and effectively ending the reign of the dinosaurs. Birds are about the only living relative of dinos.

This extinction event paved the way for mammals to dominate virtually all Cenozoic ecosystems. So, its not surprising that fossils from this era are mostly mammals.

One common fossil is ivory tusks from woolly mammoths and mastodons that are often found in sand and gravels and permafrost in northern Canada and Alaska. These tusks are quite tough and resist weathering and erosion. Scientists have even found well preserved mammoth remains, skin, hair and all, in some permafrost soils. In fact, in 2007 a one month old baby mammoth was found in Siberia! (see pic.)

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/04/10/best-preserved-baby-mammoth-hong-kong_n_1414979.html?slideshow=true#gallery/219698/0 image source here