What muscles are used when walking?

1 Answer
Nov 17, 2016

The primary muscles involved in walking are of the lower leg and the thigh and knee.


Muscles involved in walking are

Muscles of lower leg -
Soleus, gastrocnemius, tibialis anterior / posterior and peroneals.

Muscles of thigh and knee
Vastus lateralis , medialis obliques and rectus femoris.
The muscles most involved in walking are the quadriceps.

As we move forward , we move our thigh and hips backwards . This movement involves the gluteus and a number of key muscles in the hamstrings , located at the back of the thighs. It also engages one other small muscles located at the top of the inner thigh called the adductor magnus.

The second motion is the action of moving legs forward. This action engages all the major muscles in the thighs including quadriceps. Sartorial muscles , the longest muscles of the body are also involved.
Muscles near the hip and thigh joint including iliosoas , tensor fasciae latae, pectineus and adductor tongus and brevis are also involved.