What part of the ear contains the sensory receptors for hearing?

1 Answer
Apr 19, 2017


Sensory receptors of hearing are hair cells, present on basilar membrane of cochlea. Sensory organ present on basilar membrane for hearing is formed by hair cells and the tissue is called Organ of Corti.

Cochlea is a coiled structure. It is a bony tube on the outside, and a membranar tube is there on the inside. There is perilymph inside bony labyrinth and endolymph within membranar labyrinth.

Perilymphatic space within bony labyrinth is divided in two parallel canals: scala vestibuli and scala tympani, due to presence of endolymphatic canal scala media (also called cochlear duct).

SV and ST are connected at the tip of cochlear coil by a connecting passage named helicotrema. SV and SM are separated by Reissner's membrane while ST and SM are separated by Basilar membrane. Organ of Corti is located on basilar membrane and it is immersed in endolymph of scala media.

Sound waves are amplified before it reach oval window. The vibrations are transferred from SV to ST via helicotrema. As the basilar membrane vibrates, sensory hair cells of organ of Corti get stimulated. Nerve impulse generated at the base of organ of Corti will reach brain via auditory nerve.

