What visions did Lincoln articulate in his speech?

1 Answer
Jun 30, 2017

Lincoln had a vision of a nation that was governed by the people under the direction of God resulting in liberty, freedom, and equality for all people.


Lincoln started his speech with a reference to liberty and equality.
This call for equality and liberty was especially appropriate as the Civil War was now being fought for the abolition of slavery and the freedom of the African American Slaves. Millions of people who had been held as prisoners of an undemocratic system of involuntary servantude in Lincoln's vision would be set free and made equal.

Lincoln ended his speech with a quote most likely from John Wycliff.
John Wycliff wrote in his translation of the Bible that "This Bible is for the government of the people , for the people , and by the people.
England at the time Wycliff wrote this was governed by the King and the Catholic Church. The people had no rights except those granted to them by the government.

Lincoln's vision was similar to that John Wycliff. He envisioned a nation where all people would have rights that came from the people not the government. Rights that come from the government results in the tyranny. Rights that come from the people protected by God results in freedom.

Lincoln vison was a nation ruled by laws made by the people resulting in liberty, equality and freedom for all people regardless of race, religion or political persuasion. May his vision someday come to pass.