What was the most powerful Muslim empire?

1 Answer
Jun 7, 2018

Ottoman Empire


I just took AP World this year so this is just something you just know for that class, but I found a link that sort of explains why:


"The Ottoman Empire is impressive for its longevity and breadth."

"The Ottomans were the first Islamic state to conquer and rule the Balkans, defeating the Serbs, Bulgars, Byzantines, and Hungarians."

Another thing to note is that the Ottoman Empire was founded in 1299 and "dissolved" in 1922 - which is more than 600 years, during which many other empires opposed the Ottomans. But they managed to remain an empire for a long time despite being a Muslim nation despised by a lot of surrounding Christian and Catholic nations. Aside from that, the Ottoman Empire at one point (around 16th century) held land in northern Africa, the Middle East, and a good portion of the Mediterranean.