What was the UN Partition Plan for the state of Israel in 1947? What did it lead to? What were some lasting effects of this plan?

1 Answer

The UN partition plan was to divide the Palestine British Protectorate into a Jewish half and an Arab Muslim half. It lead to immediate war and a lasting state of war between Israel and surrounding Islamic States.


When the United Nation granted Israel recognition as a nation in 1948 The surrounding Arab nations refused to recognize Israel as a sovereign nation. This resulted in an immediate war.

The British had been given control over part of the Ottoman Empire after the Ottoman's defeat in World War I. This land was called Palestine under the British protectorate.

Under the Ottoman Empire Jewish people had purchased large parts of what would become Israel. After World War II large number of surviving Jews attempted to immigrate to the British Protectorate many of them illegally. Terrorist actions and increasing Jewish population put pressure on England to surrender control. When the United Kingdom turned over the control to the United Nations, the United Nation faced the same problems.

The World had sympathy for the Jewish people as a result of the persecution the Jewish people had experienced during World War II.
This resulted in recognizing a Jewish Homeland.

The grand Mufti the Islamic leader in Jerusalem called for the destruction of the Jewish State and the extermination of the Jewish people living in the land that the Muslims felt belonged to them.

The war of 1948 was a direct result of the Partition plan. The war of 1848 was followed by the war of 1956, 1973 and countless rocket attacks, bombings, incursions by both sides. The surrounding Islamic nations continue to refuse the right of Israel to exist. and Israel continues to occupy territory that Muslims feel should be under their control including territory that was granted to the Muslims under the original Partition plan.