What was Thomas Jefferson hoping to find on the Lewis and Clark expedition?

2 Answers

A water route that went from the early California to the 13 states


He wanted them to be able to find that route so they could travel and trade throughout the entire US.

Mar 13, 2018

There were many goals, finding resources, a route to the Pacific, the extent of the Purchase, trade relationships with Indians tribes.


The Lewis and Clark collected plant and animal samples as part of the expeditions goal of finding out the resources of the newly purchased land. The explorers were to report back on how the land could be made use of.

The purchase gave America "legal" right to all of the Missouri watershed. At the time of the purchase no one had any idea of how extensive the Missouri watershed was. The Lewis and Clark expedition was tasked with the goal of finding out how much land the United States had purchased.

A further goal was to find a route to the Pacific Ocean. Lewis and Clark expedition did reach the Pacific Ocean. This helped to establish the claims of the United States to the Oregon territory.

As the expedition traveled up the Missouri River and crossed the Rocky Mountains Lewis and Clark tired to establish trading relationships with the tribes that they encountered along the way.

At the return of the Lewis and Clark expedition large amounts of Scientific knowledge was brought back, The Missouri watershed had been explored. The Pacific Ocean had been reached and American's claim to the Oregon Territory established. A useable route to the Pacific had not been found and the goal of peaceful relationships with the Indian tribes was not achieved.