What were some accomplishments of Julius Caesar?

1 Answer
Apr 11, 2018

See explanation


Caesar was a powerful and influential Roman politician and military leader. He was born in July of 100 or 102 BCE. His father governed the province of Asia.

Caesar served as consul (highest political official) from 61 to 60 BCE. Afterwards he governed Gaul (he conquered it a few years prior). After his governship was terminated, he crossed the Rubicon river (the die is cast) and marched on Rome in 49 BCE.

He aligned himself with Marcus Licinius Crassus and Gnaeus Pompeius "Pompey" Magnus in 60 BCE (the First Triumvirate). Crassus was killed in 54 BCE. Caesar defeated Pompey at the Battle of Pharsalus in Greece (48 BCE); Pompey was killed in Egypt.

He had three wives: Cornelia (married in 84 BCE, had a daughter with her named Julia Caesaris), Pomepia (divorced in 62 BCE), and Calpurnia/Calphurnia (married in 59 BCE). He had numerous affairs (including one with Marcus Junius Brutus's mother).

He took over Egypt for a time (proclaimed martial law). He also helped Cleopatra VII ascend the throne by defeating her brother Ptolemy XIII. He had a son (Caesarion/Ptolemy Caesar) by Cleopatra in 47 BCE.

In 46 BCE, he defeated the Optimate faction (he was part of the Populare faction, which was more democratic and fairer towards the lower class). The Optimates believed that nobles were superior to others.

He was named Dictator Perpetuus (dictator for life) in 44 BCE. He reformed the calendar and tax system. Roman coins were printed with his image. His reforms, though unpopular with the patricians in the Senate, helped the lower and middle class.

He was assassinated on March 15th, 44 BCE (Ides of March).