What were the conditions of the trenches?

1 Answer
Jun 9, 2017

Actually for British and Commonwealth troops they were regularly rotated out of the line. But they could spend up to 2 weeks at a time in various types of trenches.


There were often a series of defenses. The troops were rotated through the different sets of defenses. The very front lines which were often under fire and raided, were in poorer shape. Water was often a problem. It was hard to sleep in the very front lines so the soldiers were kept busy repairing the trenches. some places had underground bunkers and shelters that would give some protection against the weather and artillery.

The trenches were a culmination of a lot of technologies including food, materials, and communications and where they were more less permanent still pretty unpleasant but bearable.

Rest areas had showers, cots and fresh food.


Generally speaking all of the a units combat troops would become casualties in 2 years.

Later in the war the Germans began to realize the very front trenches were more of a trip wire before the more serious defenses and it was less costly to dig foxholes instead of trenches.