What would be the most likely result if the polar ice caps melted?

1 Answer
Jun 7, 2018

The sea level would rise and many costal cities would be flooded.


There is a lot of water frozen in the polar ice caps.. Actually the melting of the arctic ice cap would lower the sea levels as ice has a lower density than sea water. So as water the melted ice over the arctic ocean would take up less room.

However the small decrease in ocean volume due the differences in density in the north pole would more than be main up for the increases due to the melting of the south pole. The south pole is mainly over land. The melting of the souther polar ice cap would result in a large increase in water volumes of the oceans.
This would cause the sea level world wide to rise. Many cities are built next to the oceans and at elevations close to sea level . A rise in sea level would drown these cities.