When did life appear on earth? How long did it take to evolve from non-living systems?

1 Answer
May 6, 2018

Abiogenesis is a theory based on the assumption of material realism no one knows for sure that life can come from nonliving systems.


The earth is thought to have been formed 4.6 billion years ago,
The earliest possible appearance of life is theoretically estimated at 4.280 billion years. This estimate would give a biogenesis only about .5 billion or 500 million years to create the life from non life.
this would require a membrane to separate the life from non life a metabolic pathway to produce energy and a system of reproduction.

The odds of the complex information required for a living cell coming into existence by purely random chances are extremely remote. The main reason for accepting the theory of Abiogenesis is a philosophical assumption that everything must happen by purely natural causes.

At 4.1 billion years there is chemical evidence interpreted as being caused by living organisms in rocks.

Estimates for the occurrence of prokaryotes range from 3.9 billion to 2.5 billion years ago.

Mats of micobacterial fossils are thought to be 3.4 billion years old.
these are the oldest fossil directly linked to living things.

This would have given about 1.1 billion years for a biogenesis to occur.

The answer is no one knows for sure when life first occurred on earth. That life on earth came from abiogenesis or non living systems is even more unknown. The mathematical odds of even achieving a single protein by random chance is # 1 xx 10^24#. Only a belief in material realism makes these odds believable