Where are "black holes" located?

1 Answer
May 6, 2017

Black holes are typically located in galaxies.


There are three different types of black hole.

Primordial black holes are thought to have been created at the big bang. They have not been observed. If they do exist they can be anywhere in the universe.

Stellar black holes are created when a large star reaches the end of its life and collapses under gravity. During the collapse which causes the black hole to form the rest of the star is blown away in a supernova explosion. Supernova remnants in our galaxy are often clearly visible. So, there should be a black hole near to a supernova remnant. Though the black hole and supernova remnant can easily get separated.

Supermassive black holes are found in the centres of most large galaxies. There is a supermassive black hole at the centre of our galaxy and also at the centre of the nearby Andromeda galaxy.

Active galaxies such as Seyfert galaxies and quasars have a supermassive black hole at their centres.