Who controlled the end of the Silk Road and much of the trade from Asia?

1 Answer
May 3, 2018

First the Romans, then the Eastern Roman Empire Then Venice and other cities states and finally the Ottoman Turks.


The Silk Road first opened trade between the Roman Empire and Asia. The Roman Empire controlled the Western End of the Silk Road.

Later the Eastern Roman Empire located in Constantinople controlled the western End of the Silk Road.

The Arab tribes and then the Muslim Empires controlled the southern route across the Indian Ocean and up the Arabian peninsula.

Venice at the time of Marco Polo controlled much of the western end of the silk road. There were wars with other Italian City States over control of the silk road

With the fall of Constantinople in 1453 the Muslim Ottoman Empire gained control of the western end of the silk road and trade with Asia.

Who ever controlled the silk road controlled trade with Asia until sea routes were found around Cape Horn in South America and Cape of Good Hope in Africa. The control of the silk road varied throughout History.