Who was Toussaint L'ouverture? What was one of his biggest fears?

1 Answer
Apr 20, 2017

Toussaint L'ouverture was the leader of Haiti that won freedom for the slaves and independence from France. His biggest fear was the restitution of slavery.


Toussaint L'ouverture was a brilliant military leader who became the absolute ruler of Haiti.

As a ruler he faced a lot of fears. One of his fear was that the previous slaves would degenerate into idleness. He uursed force to make the people work the plantations even though they were no longer slaves. He fear that the people would not work causing poverty in Haiti.

He worked with the Spanish to over throw the French but feared that the Spanish would try to take over Haiti in turn. So he then turned back to the French after the French revolution and turned to then conquer the Spanish part of the Island of Hispanolia

As a dedicated Catholic he feared both the influences of voodoo and the French enlightenment atheism He established the Catholic Church as the state religion.

Most of all he feared the reestablishment of slavery. He gave up his authority to the French in return for a promise that slavery would not be restored to the island. He was betrayed and made a prisoner until his premature death.