Who were among the first people to settle the British Isles?

1 Answer
Jun 6, 2016

That rather depends on the time period you are refering to.


It is evidence of pre-homo sapiens sapiens settlement in Britian by the homo heidelberensis, then later settlement by homo sapiens sapiens during the palaeolithic period. Whom these people were is uncertain as there is little evidence found of these hunter/gatherers. During the Neolithic period the people living in Britain became farmers.

In the Bronze age a people refered to as the Beaker people are considered one of the first immigrants to the British Isles, however recent evidence suggest that it was not a people which migrated but rather new technologies.

The people most closely related to settlement in Britain (and which I assume your task is relating to) were the Celts who migrated to Britain in the Iron age, the first group probably from the Hallstatt culture, or at least somewhat relating to them. Later Celts from the La Tene culture migrated to Britain and by the 6th century most of the inhabitants of the British Isles spoke Celtic languages.