Who were the two world superpowers after World War ll?

2 Answers
May 30, 2017

The USA and the USSR


After the end of WWII and the demise of Nazi Germany, the world was dominated by two major superpowers which were the USA and the Soviet Union also called the USSR. They both had opposite ideological models and both developed the atomic bomb.

Jun 2, 2017

The United States and The Soviet Union.


The industrial base of the United States expanded during World War II. The industrial base of Europe had been destroyed during the war. At the end of the war the United States had the world's most powerful navy replacing England. The United States had a large standing army and for a time was only nuclear power.

The Soviet Union expanded its armies during World War II. After the war the Soviet Union occupied all of Eastern Europe and Manchuria.
The Soviet Union became an empire siphoning much of the wealth of the Soviet Eastern block of nations. The USSR used this wealth to build a powerful military including nuclear capability

The United States wanted to "impose " western democracy on the rest of the world as it did in Japan, South Korea and Western Germany. The United States was committed to blocking the spread of Communism.

The Soviet Union was committed to spreading communistic rule over the entire world. Efforts were made to export communism by coups revolutions and invasions. The Korean war of 1950-1952( active ) was an effort to expand communistic rule opposed by the United States.