Why are freshwater wetlands considered to be economically and environmentally important?

1 Answer
Aug 24, 2016

Freshwater wetlands support rich biodiversity


Freshwater wetlands are one of the richest and most interesting ecosystems. These ecosystems support a diverse community of benthic, limnotic, and littoral invertebrates. These invertebrates as well as small fishes provide a food base for waterfowl, herons, gulls, and other birds. These creatures need nutrients (and they get nutrients) for egg production and the growth of young. Amphibians and reptiles inhabit the emergent growth, soft mud and open water of marshes and swampy areas.

People fish there since they can find different fish species all year round. They also guarantee that floods can be eliminated since these areas are like sponges. When there is a notable rain, these areas absorb water.