Why are high-protein diets damaging to the kidneys?

1 Answer
Sep 14, 2017

A high protein diet may worsen kidney function in people with, kidney diseases as eliminating the waste products of protein metabolism may cause problems.


Consumption of a diet high in proteins can cause glomerular hyper filteration, a potentially maladaptive response, which may accelerate the progression of kidney disease.

Dietary protein effects glomerular filteration rates. Both acute and chronic increases in proteins consumption elevates glomerular filteration rate.
High protein intake has also been found under various conditions, to lead to hyperaemia, acceleration of chronic kidney disease, increased proteinuria, diuresis, natriuresis, and kaliuresis.

Also a high protein diet may result in the excretion of more calcium than normal through urination. There are conflicting reports, but some experts think this makes osteoporosis and kidney stones more likely.

For most healthy people, a high protein diet generally isn't harmful, particularly when followed for a short while.