Why are pillbugs found in wet/moist environments?

1 Answer
Sep 23, 2017

Because they need those conditions to survive.


Armadillidiidae, more commonly known as the pillbug, are woodlice with the unique ability to roll up into a ball. There are two main reasons why pillbugs prefer moist and dark environments:
Food and Surival.

Food-wise, pillbugs eat algae, moss, fungus bark and all kinds of dead and decaying organic material. These can mostly be found in wet and most environments, thus it is only logical to find pillbugs near them.

Survival-wise, pillbugs are actually a form of land crustacean. They have adapted to live on the land, but their body anatomy is still very much tailored towards the water. So much so, that if they are in a sunny or hot place for too long, they dry out and die. This is the other reason why pillbugs are found in damp and dark environments.

I hope I helped!