Why can studying the embryo help support evolutionary relationships more than studying the adult at times?

1 Answer
May 17, 2018

Actually it studying the embryos does not help support evolutionary relationships.


Hackel's drawings of the embryos have been proven to be totally faked . The term ontogeny is recapitulated in phylogeny coined by Haeckel or Haeckel's law doesn't work.

This means that studying embryos to establishing evolutionary relationships, based on Haeckel's law doesn't work.

In 1997 British embryologist Michael Richardson compared Haeckel's drawings with actual photographs of the embryos.
The photos showed quite clearly that Haeckel's drawings misrepresent the truth.

In March 2000 issue of Natural History Stephen Jay Gould said 'Haeckel exaggerated the similarities by idealization and omissions." " There is no highly conserved embryonic state in vertebrates." Selwood Anatomy and Embryology 196 1997

The theory that embryos show evolutionary relationships has been empirically proven to be false.