Why d9d many Jews living in the Warsaw Ghetto starve to death?

1 Answer
Apr 30, 2016

Because of the Nazi imposed conditions.


The Nazis established ghettos in Polish cities such as Warsaw and Lodz. This was part of an overall strategy to liquidate the Jewish community in Europe.

Such ghettos were designed to some extent as holding areas until Jews could be transported to extermination camps such as Sobibor, Treblinka and Chelmno.

Therefore there was no commitment by the Germans to provide any basic need. Conditions were appalling in terms of overcrowding, lack of hygiene, lack of food and brutal treatment by the Germans. The Jews were used basically as slave labour allowed out of the ghettos each day to work for the Nazis. However conditions in the ghettos was so appalling, tens of thousands died, before final transportation took place.