Why did great tension exist between the USA and USSR after WWII?

1 Answer
Apr 24, 2018

Conflicting world views and ambitions.


The USSR believed that the world should become totally communistic. The USSR had territorial ambitions to control most of Europe, the Middle East and the far East such as Korea.

The US believed that the world should become totally democratic with a capitalistic economy. The US feared the territorial ambitions of the USSR.

These conflicting world views ensured that there would be tension between the USSR and US. The rival territorial ambitions brought these ideological differences to a boiling point.

The USSR set up puppet governments through out their areas of control in Eastern Europe. The Truman Doctrine and Marshall plan sought to contain communism and oppose the territorial ambitions of the USSR. Warfare between client states in the Middle East and Korea were a result of the tensions.

The cold war and MAD Mutually Assured Destruction were the results of the tension between the USSR and the US