Why do factorials not exist for negative numbers?

2 Answers
Dec 26, 2015

There would be a contradiction with its function if it existed.


One of the main practical uses of the factorial is to give you the number of ways to permute objects. You can't permute -22 objects because you can't have less than 00 objects!

Dec 26, 2015

It depends what you mean...


Factorials are defined for whole numbers as follows:

0! = 10!=1

(n+1)! = (n+1) n!(n+1)!=(n+1)n!

This allows us to define what we mean by "Factorial" for any non-negative integer.

How can this definition be extended to cover other numbers?

Gamma function

Is there a continuous function that allows us to "join the dots" and define "Factorial" for any non-negative Real number?


Gamma(t) = int_0^oo x^(t-1) e^(-x) dx

Integration by parts show that Gamma(t + 1) = t Gamma(t)

For positive integers n we find Gamma(n) = (n-1)!

We can extend the definition of Gamma(t) to negative numbers using Gamma(t) = (Gamma(t+1)) / t, except in the case t = 0.

Unfortunately this means that Gamma(t) is not defined when t is zero or a negative integer. The Gamma function has a simple pole at 0 and negative integers.

Other options

Are there any other extensions of "Factorial" that do have values for negative integers?


The Roman Factorial is defined as follows:

stackrel () (|__n~|!) = { (n!, if n >= 0), ((-1)^(-n-1)/((-n-1)!), if n < 0) :}

This is named after a mathematician S. Roman, not the Romans and is used to provide a convenient notation for the coefficients of the harmonic logarithm.