Why is homeostasis important for cells as well as for an entire organism?

1 Answer
Apr 13, 2016

To maintain proper condition in which the desired system works.


Homeostasis is property of the system to maintain almost constant condition in spite of varying variables.

All the cells and organisms require an optimum conditions to perform various tasks efficiently. Any deviation from these optimal condition reduces efficiency. There are so many variables which keep on changing causing deviation from these optimum conditions.

Homeostasis mechanisms acts as a buffer to correct this deviation and keep it as close to optimum condition as possible.

example on organism level:
homeostasis of blood pH
blood has a buffer system which maintains the pH by using dissolved CO2.

example on cellular level
homeostasis of Na+ in cells
Neuronal cells maintain a strict gradient across the cell of Na+ so as to fire a action potential upon excitation

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