Why is the Enlightenment considered a turning point in world history?

1 Answer
Dec 20, 2017

The Enlightenment changed the prevailing worldview to one of naturalism and material realism. The Enlightenment sparked a desire for political freedom and democracy.


The French Enlightenment in particular was anti theistic. Any reference or reliance of the Supernatural was considered anti rational. All science and thought was required to be based on natural causes that could be investigated by human reason.

The Enlightenment created a major change in the World View of most of world's thinkers.

The Enlightenment thinker advocated for equality between people. The privileges of the kings, and royalty were challenged by the ideas of the Enlightenment. The American Revolution was partly inspired by the ideas of the Enlightenment. The French Revolution was greatly inspired by the Enlightenment.

The Enlightenment changed the ideal of what political structures should be. The devine right of kings would no longer be believed.

The Enlightenment changed the world by changing the way that people thought. These changes in world view changed the way the world operated.