Would you expect a nerve cell and a muscle cell to have the same size and shape?

1 Answer
Sep 26, 2016

Not at all, because their functions and hence structures are entirely different.



Diameter of a neuron is not more than 0.1 mm but in length it may reach upto few feet. From spinal cord to foot, a neuron's length could be one meter. Neuron is more like a wire for transmission of impulses.

Neurons possess fine cytoplasmic branches called neurites. There are no such structure in muscle cell. Skeletal muscle cell is long and cylindrical, smooth muscle cell is short and spindle shaped, while cardiac muscle cells are ribbon shaped and with interconnecting braches. Muscle cells possess special proteins to achieve contraction and relaxation.

Muscle cells are of three types. Multinucleated skeletal muscle cells could be 30mm to 40mm in length. Uninucleated smooth muscle cell is 0.5mm in length while cardiac muscle cells are smaller, 0.1mm to 0.15mm in length.
