Write the rule for the following arithmetic sequence: #" "11, 15, 19, 23, …# A: #t_n =2n+10" "# B: #t_n=4n+10" "# C: #t_n=-4n+7" "# D:# t_n = 4n+7# ?

1 Answer
May 12, 2018

The given arithmetic sequence has the rule of option that is
#t_n =4n+7#


Firstly let us find the common difference, #d#.

Which is clearly equal to #15-11= 19-15 =4#

Also the first term is 11.

The term #t_n =a+(n-1)d#

Where #a = " first term " and d = " common difference "#

So we get #" "t_n =11+(n-1)4#

#t_n =7+4n#

Hope it helps!!