Yellow Cab charges a $3.75 flat rate and 32 cents per mile. Checker Taxi charges a flat rate of $6.50 and 26 cents per mile. After how many miles is it cheaper to take Checker Taxi?

1 Answer
Feb 26, 2017

45.85 miles... but rounds off to 46 miles.


So basically, you start by first defining your variable:
Let #x# #=# the number of miles.

The equation would be:
3.75 + .32#x# > 6.50 +.26#x# because you are finding for how many miles, x, will the price for the Checker Taxi be cheaper than the Yellow Cab.

Since you already have the equation, you just need to solve it. You first subtract .26#x# from both sides.
This makes the equation:
3.75 + .06#x# > 6.50

After this, you subtract 3.75 from both sides.
This gives you:
.06#x# > 2.75

You can multiply both sides by #frac {10} {3}# to get:
.2#x# > 9.17

Then you multiply both sides by 5 to get:
#x# > 45.85.

This can be further rounded to 46 miles if you want it in whole numbers.