You've spent $50 on bracelets to sell at the football game. You want to sell each bracelet for $3. Let #b# be the number of bracelets you sell. What is the inequality to determine how many bracelets you must sell to make a profit?

1 Answer
Aug 7, 2017

See a solution process below:


We can write the inequality as:

#$3b > $50#

We used the #># operator because we want to make a profit which means we want to get back more than $50.

If the problem had stated we wanted to "at least break even" we would of used the #>=# operator.

To solve this we divide each side of the inequality by #color(red)($3)# to find #b# while keeping the inequality balanced:

#($3b)/color(red)($3) > ($50)/color(red)($3)#

#(color(red)(cancel(color(black)($3)))b)/cancel(color(red)($3)) > (color(red)(cancel(color(black)($)))50)/color(red)(color(black)(cancel(color(red)($)))3)#

#b > 50/3#

#b > 16.bar6#

However, because you cannot sell a fraction of a bracelet we need to round the answer up.

We need to sell at least 17 bracelets to make a profit.

#17 * $3 = $51#