Question #fb1e8

1 Answer
Mar 17, 2014

a) Reaction with oxygen:-
Metals react with oxygen to form metallic oxides. These oxides are basic oxides because they react with water to form bases. Eg. Magnesium burns in air to form magnesium oxide. Magnesium reacts with water to form magnesium hydroxide.
2 Mg + #O_2#-->2 MgO
MgO+ #H_2#O ----> Mg#(OH)_2#
Non metals react with oxygen to form non metallic oxides. These oxides are acidic oxides because they react with water to form acids.
Eg. Sulphur burns in air to form sulphur dioxide. Sulphur dioxide reacts with water to form sulphurous acid.
S + #O_2# -----> S#O_2#
S#O_2#+ #H_2#O---> #H_2#S#O_3#

(b) Metals react with acids to form metallic salts and hydrogen.
Eg. Zinc reacts with dilute hydrochloric acid to form zinc chloride and hydrogen.
Zn + 2 HCl ---------------> Zn#Cl_2#+ #H_2#
Most non metals do not react with acids.
Some non metals like sulphur reacts with concentrated nitric acid to forn sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and water.
S + 4 HN#O_3# -----------> S#O_2#+ 4N#O_2#+2 #H_2#O

(c) Reaction with water:-
Metals react with water to form metal hydroxides and hydrogen.
Eg. Sodium reacts with water to form sodium hydroxide and hydrogen.
2 Na + 2 #H_2#O --------> 2 NaOH + #H_2#
Magnesium reacts with water to form magnesium hydroxide and hydrogen.
Mg + #H_2#O --------> Mg#(OH)_2#+ #H_2#
Non metals do not react with water

d) In general, Metals react by to form bonds by losing electrons to form positive ions (cations), Nonmetals react by either forming bonds by gaining electrons to form negative ions (anions) or by sharing electrons.